The Catholic University of America is proud to continue its participation in the VA’s Yellow Ribbon Program. This program funds tuition and fee expenses that exceed the maximum amount paid by the Post 9/11 GI Bill®®. The VA and Catholic University will match dollar for dollar those expenses that exceed the maximum amount paid by the Post 9/11 GI Bill®®. Students who are 100% eligible for benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill®® may apply to The Catholic University of America’s Yellow Ribbon program. Openings in Catholic University’s Yellow Ribbon program vary by school and level and are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
The VA makes tuition and fee payment(s) directly to the university; book and housing allowances are paid directly to the student.
Yellow Ribbon Program Application Guidelines:
- Students have to apply for the Yellow Ribbon program each academic year. This regular application process is essential to ensuring students understand the structure of the program and their responsibilities in the program, both of which are outlined in the application.
- Openings in Catholic University's Yellow Ribbon Program are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Catholic University offers students the opportunity to submit multi-semester Yellow Ribbon Applications: if accepted students are reserved a spot in the Yellow Ribbon Program for the entirety of their Catholic University Program. This is meant to help students plan appropriately for how they will fund their education at Catholic University. While students who have applied for and been accepted to the multi-semester Yellow Ribbon Program will have a spot reserved for them, they are still obligated to complete the Yellow Ribbon Application by the published deadline each academic year to remain in the program.
- To apply for the Yellow Ribbon Program:
- Please complete the Yellow Ribbon Application and return it to or return it to the Office of Military and Veteran Student Services by the deadline listed on the application.
- All applicants must also submit a Certificate of Eligibility, provided by the VA, with their application.
Yellow Ribbon Program Application Timeline:
We aim to make our Yellow Ribbon Application align with Catholic University's admission and course registration schedule.
(Note dates may shift slightly year to year as necessary)
- December 2nd: Yellow Ribbon Application available and posted on our website for the upcoming academic year.
- Once a complete application is submitted (including Certificate of Eligibility) students can expect to hear back within 5-10 business days.
- The Yellow Ribbon Program Application is due on the last day to register or add courses for credit for each semester the student is applying for. These dates can be found on the Academic Calendar.
Please note this YR application timeline will shift significantly in years when Catholic University needs to renegotiate its Yellow Ribbon Program Agreement with the Department of Veterans Affairs. The open season enrollment period with the VA typically does not begin until March, which will push the availability of the Yellow Ribbon Application to May.
Download the 2024-25 academic year Yellow Ribbon Application here. (For Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025)
Download the 2025-26 academic year Yellow Ribbon Application here. (For Fall 2025, Spring 2026, and Summer 2027)
Students' Financial Responsibility in the Yellow Ribbon Program
If students elect to utilize institutional services not covered by the VA Yellow Ribbon Program, payment for those services is due in accordance with the posted deadlines on the Enrollment Services website. Services such as university housing, meal plans, health services charges, tutoring fees, and some study abroad fees are not paid for by the VA, and are the responsibility of the student.
Students should plan to pay these charges at the beginning of each academic term and in accordance with the posted deadlines.
We highly recommend students utilize the payment plan option to pay institutional fees which they may be receiving VA allowances for such as housing costs.
Students may enroll in an optional monthly payment plan for a nominal enrollment fee. Students enrolled in the payment plan will be billed monthly by the payment plan provider. Full payment of the amount billed by the payment plan provider does not necessarily mean the student’s Catholic University account is paid in full. Students must review their Catholic University account statements to ensure the budgeted payment plan payments are sufficient to cover their balances with the University.
Students are required to pay any outstanding balances above the budgeted payment plan amounts directly to the University by the payment due date.
Please be sure to review the Student Financial Responsibility statement for complete information regarding a student’s financial obligations.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site: Education and Training Home (